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  • These data have been created by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) in order to cost effectively provide high quality, Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for a wide range of applications. The dataset contains modified Copernicus Sentinel-1 data processed into a normalised radar backscatter product on a linear scale in dB. Products acquired from ESA are Ground-Range Detected (GRD) Interferometric Wide-swath (IW) in the dual VV+VH polarisation (DV) mode, where both VV and VH polarisations are collected. Defra and JNCC data were processed on separate platforms using a common specification to produce complementary outputs up to and including the acquisition date 23/06/2023. Data acquired after that date were processed on a single platform to the same specification. Sentinel-1 scenes processed before July 2021 have had a strip of data clipped from their northern edge to remove an artefact caused by a deprecated processing method. Details can be found in the lineage statement of the metadata for all affected scenes.